Cranes do most of the heavy lifting (quite literally) in the manufacturing and construction industries. Moreover, they are classified as essential equipment across a variety of businesses.
While many workers have become accustomed to working with or around cranes, that doesn’t mean we can ignore the hazards they pose. Recent data U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that every year between 2011 and 2017, an average of 42 crane-related deaths occurred.
To avoid such catastrophic accidents, managers must ensure the safety of the people who work under them. Here are four essential crane safety tips that can help enhance the safety of any lift operation.
Tip 1: Ensure only qualified personnel are operating cranes
Crane operations are complex tasks that require training, quick reflexes, and great spatial awareness. It’s crucial that your crane operators are certified and have received proper training. They need to know the controls inside out, along with all safety procedures and hand signals.
Additionally, if you have a difficult project on hand—such as a crucial lift—it’s best to get operators who have recent experience working on similar projects.
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Tip 2: Inspect the equipment and the load
Before using the crane, site supervisors and crane operators must carry out a thorough inspection of the crane and its controls to make sure everything is in order. In particular, the boom, ropes, and hooks must be checked for signs of damage or deterioration.
The load should also be examined to make sure that it’s within load capacity and properly secured—27 percent of all crane accidents are caused by a dropped load. These accidents are most often linked to poor rigging practices.
Tip 3: Ensure the safety of groundworkers
When the crane is operational, make sure your site is clear of any non-essential personnel. Groundworkers should also maintain a safe distance from the crane and try to stay out of the crane’s operating radius unless they are required to be near it.
Groundworkers should also be instructed regarding safety procedures when working near cranes.
Tip 4: Allow adequate time to plan the project
Allocating time to proper planning before a project commences is necessary for crane operations. Site supervisors and project managers should ensure that the project isn’t being rushed. Planning minimizes many of the risks associated with crane operations because it ensures:
accountability, as everyone is aware of their responsibilities,
a thorough inspection of the site, equipment, and load is carried out,
that safety protocols can be established.
Buy Quality Crane Safety Equipment
Crane Warning Systems Atlanta is a leading Rayco Wylie distributer in the United States. We offer top-quality crane safety equipment, including crane wind speed indicators, load indicator systems, two-way radios, and more.
Get in touch with us today to learn more about our crane safety products.