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Important Hand Signals Every Crane Operator Must Know

Writer: Carmen ZajicekCarmen Zajicek

Cranes are used in large-scale industrial, construction, and building operations to transfer big objects, materials, and machinery. Crane technology has come a long way, and modern cranes are a great asset for large building projects. However, factors such as crane equipment breakdown, surpassing functional limits, vision impairment, temperature fluctuations, and miscommunication might result in major accidents. Material damage, accidents, and sometimes deaths occur due to these catastrophes.

Crane accidents are becoming increasingly common as more construction and product management organizations hire and own cranes to boost productivity. Crane catastrophes are a prominent source of fatality in the construction business in the United States, with roughly 42 fatalities per year in the US. The frightening statistics underline the importance of knowing and adhering to crane safety requirements by companies, construction managers, and machine operators.

This is where hand signals can help. If crane workers cooperate, problems can be solved simply by using hand signals. Even though radios can be employed to transmit audio across the area, there are times when a worker will want additional support.

Building sites may be quite noisy. Since they generate a lot of disturbance from operations like excavating, dumping, and hammering, it can be challenging to give instructions in a timely and precise manner. When a driver's lateral view is limited or the awareness of a power grid is obscured, performing an operation puts the driver and other personnel in grave danger.

Take a look at this guide to learn about some hand signals every crane d should know about.

1. Halt Signals

On a building worksite, halt signals are the most crucial visual cues. These are used to halt the crane from handling lifting tasks, and the following are three important stop signals used at a building site:

Halt In Case Of Emergency

A signaling expert will convey an emergency shutdown by stretching their arms horizontally across the shoulders, palms facing downwards, and swinging both arms from side to side.

Traditional Halt Signal

The signal sender will stretch one arm facing their hand to halt or cease an activity.

Dog Signal 

This gesture, which is made by clutching hands simultaneously and positioning them at the hip line, will bring all operations to a halt.

2. Indicators For Boom And Payload

The construction crew uses boom signaling to increase or reduce the height of the boom, which is done by stretching long arms out from the controlling machine. There are three different types of boom cues:

Increase The Amplitude Of The Boom

Stretch one arm with a clenched hand, pointing the thumb skyward.

Lowering The Boom

Stretch one arm with a clenched hand, directing the thumb downward.

Swing Action

Lift your arm outward and direct your pointer finger to the spot you want it to swing.

3. Signals For Lifting Or Placing Mechanism

Weight signaling tells the driver to use the crane's hook mechanism that connects to the weight to lift or place the cargo. There are two types of strain signals that are commonly used:

Lifting A Load

Make little counterclockwise loops with the finger while extending a hand vertically and directing a forefinger at the sky.

Placing The Cargo

Make little counterclockwise loops with the finger while extending a hand vertically and aiming a fingertip at the ground.

Since the weight range alters when the boom is raised and lowered, you may have to employ combination orders to maintain the hoist within acceptable tolerances.

The Importance Of Hiring A Trained Crane Signal Expert

They perform the most crucial tasks in any hoisting activity. The signaling expert's major role is to interact with the hoist driver throughout all situations, functioning as the driver's ears and eyes. The following is a checklist for becoming a signaling expert:

1.Recognizes and is aware of workplace indications.

2.Meets and recognizes the section CC standards for signal personnel qualifications.

3.Professionally uses the signals.

4.Acknowledges the crane complexities associated with swaying, lifting, lowering, halting weights, and boom displacement from hauling weights and their restrictions.

5.Passes a short quiz as well as an explicit or implicit examination.

A crane signaling specialist who is completely trained and skilled understands how action differs between machinery kinds and may modify signals as needed. They are an effective deterrent to hazards, and they will dependably be a useful adjunct to any construction site.

When the crane operator and signaler function as a team, there's complete reliance and cooperation, which leads to more quick, reliable, and speedy performance. As a result, the crane operator can safely avoid dangers and tackle complex actions. Nonverbal cues also help to maintain a simplified and efficient work environment. 

How Can Crane Warning Systems Atlanta Help?

At Crane Warning Systems Atlanta, we provide an all-encompassing range of crane control and warning devices. Our holistic suite of products includes load moment indicators, crane load monitoring systems, rated capacity indicators, Anti Two-Block Warning Systems, and a lot more.

Crane Warning Systems Atlanta is renowned for high-quality crane warning systems, Rayco Wylie crane systems, portable links and shackles, and control devices. If you're in the US and are looking for the best crane warning products, contact us today.

Whether you're looking for digital crane safety systems or purpose-designed crane devices for better performance, Crane Warning Systems Atlanta is the answer. We stock the entire range of RaycoWylie Anti two block switch, load indicators, RCI and LMI for boom cranes, and much more.

RaycoWylie LMI or RCI warning systems are performance-driven, efficient, and very precise. Installing one of these or both can take your crane safety to the next level. At Crane Warning Systems Atlanta, we offer crane safety products, along with wiring and troubleshooting manuals.


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